Add a Water Feature to Transform Your Yard into a Tranquil Oasis

Brendan Wetzel
4 min readAug 23, 2022

Introducing a water feature to your garden not only adds an interesting focal point, but it confers a whole host of other benefits. Homeowners generally invest in water features to add visual interest to their outdoor space. However, water features can purify the air, reduce noise pollution, and offer a plethora of benefits from an ecological perspective.

Brendan wetzel bucks county garden

For those short on space, a simple birdbath could be very beneficial during the summer months, as it provides birds and insects with a source of water, which could be in short supply in many areas. By attracting birds and insects to your yard, you make it more biodiverse. Insects are beneficial for cross-pollination, while birds aerate the soil, helping you keep it and your plants in tiptop condition, as well as predating garden pests like snails and slugs.

Adding a water feature to your yard boosts the sensory experience, bringing even the smallest outdoor space to life by lifting your mood and feelings. A cascade or fountain is energizing and can be used to create drama, while the gentle flow of a stream or reflective surface of a pond creates a meditative, soothing space.

Before purchasing a water feature for your yard, it is important to do your research, considering different ideas and what appeals to you. Are you seeking to create an expanse of water in your garden, reflecting light and the sky? Is it the sound of flowing water that appeals most to you? Would you like a shaded pool in the corner of your yard, lined with pebbles and surrounded by reeds, iris, and other aquatic plants to create a wildlife haven? Or do you prefer a more contemporary look, like a geometric water blade feature, an LED cube, or a granite water wall?

Brendan wetzel pond

A water feature must work aesthetically with your garden design scheme. It does need to be complex. In fact, sometimes the simplest ideas achieve the greatest impact. Whether you prefer a dramatic flow or a quiet, calming watery element, there are numerous different options to choose from.

In terms of creating a focal point, raised ponds are extremely effective at drawing the eye to the center of a courtyard or the end of a path. Adding pond plants enhances the natural look and feel of your pond. Popular plant choices for ponds include:

  • Marginal plants, such as marsh marigold, houttuynia, pickerel rush, and rainbow water celery
  • Bog plants like iris, canna lilies, tropical pitcher plants, and taro
  • Submergent and deep-water plants like brittle waternymph, American pondweed, Eurasian watermilfoil, and hydrilla, which can play a useful role in keeping algae in check and oxygenating the water
  • Floating plants like water hyacinths, frogbit, and sensitive plant

Bear in mind that floating plants can cause problems by blocking out light to other plants and potentially decreasing oxygen levels, although some species are extremely beneficial to pond fish, helping to stabilize water temperatures in smaller ponds and creating shade and hidey-holes for fish to take refuge.

It is important to understand that some plant species are classified as weeds in certain areas due to their invasive growth, so you should check with your local authority before adding these plants to your pond.

A recirculating fountain is a relatively simple-to-install addition to your garden. Varying in design from a core-drilled boulder to a bubbling vase, this type of water feature collects water in a basin and pumps it back to the top. This design is generally an economical option for adding a water feature to your backyard, with the bonus of being portable should you move in the future.

As the name implies, a pondless water feature is one without a visible reservoir, eliminating the need for barriers or fencing to prevent children or animals from falling in. For busy homeowners seeking the sound of running water without the maintenance that comes with a traditional pond, pondless water features are a great option.

Research shows that simply looking at water, be that a pond, waterfall, or stream, helps to restore the heart rate and blood pressure to normal levels. For those experiencing stress or anxiety or recovering from surgery, having a water source in the vicinity has also been shown to alleviate symptoms, even pain. Flowing water also emits negative ions, which have a calming effect on the mind. The sound of flowing water helps to soothe frayed emotions, encourage overall wellbeing, and improve health.

Adding a stream, pond, or simply a birdbath to your yard attracts birds, insects, and other animals; creatures your children can learn a great deal about simply by observing them. You do not need a huge yard to accommodate a water feature, nor do you need to worry about wasting water. For perspective, a water feature generally takes less water to maintain than a patch of lawn covering a similar surface area.



Brendan Wetzel

Rider University alumnus Brendan Wetzel graduated cum laude from the Lawrence, New Jersey-based institution in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy